Here's a little info about KC0MNX
How I got into Amateur Radio: I have always had an interest in amateur (HAM)
radio, however I never really pursued the hobby until
recently. In January 2001, we moved from Tulsa, OK to the
Denver area, and some friends of mine, WM5D, N0GQ, and KB0ORP really get
the credit for peaking my interest in ham
radio. WM5D, who lives in NW Arkansas
thought it would be a great way for us to keep in touch, plus it would be fun and keep
the phone bills down (that is until I spent money on all this cool ham gear!) So, off I go and within
the month, I had passed my Technician written, and General written
tests. I passed my code test on 2/8/2003 and received my upgrade
to General Class. I know, I know, I need to go take the Extra test now... My Shack consists of:
My Mobile Rig consists of:
My Handhelds consist of:
IRLP Node: I also run IRLP Node 594. This
system links repeaters/radios around the world using the internet as a
backhaul between the nodes. Local users can use their HT or radio
to talk to the local repeater/radio and the voice is carried via the internet
to other nodes around the world. To Learn more about IRLP,
visit my IRLP webpage at irlp.kc0mnx.org My
IRLP Node Hardware currently consists of:
I'm usually hanging out on either IRLP Node 594,,
the Denver - CRA
145.145 Repeater, on the RMHAM IRLP Node 375
If your in town, give me a call, I'd love to have a QSO with you... 73! John, KC0MNX |